
Heutige Geburtstage

Halte Dich bitte an die Regeln.

Main page of Dominion

This is a web implementation of this wonderful game of Rio Grande (Devir) Page in continual development, totally functional...
Create an account and play freely...
Thanks if you notify the bugs, invoncenienves and advices in the Forum, in an internal message or sending a mail to
Thanks for playing!

02-06-2016 - New! More players in Free games!!!Supporters now can crear partidas Libres with 6 players, also allow to play with 5 RoBots. This changes are at the same time with the new Free games in Citadels.

27-03-2014 Telegram notifications!!!Telegram Logo Now you can configure in Preferences your Telegram account to receive notifications when it is your turn to play in any game.

05-03-2014 - Visual style changed!! From now, Dominion is a new look, similar to before, but more responsive to different screens (or i hope so)

25-07-2012 - Russian!! From now, Dominion is also translated to russian, thanks to Hare Brained.


Follow me in Twitter Follow to @Achiles Zufallszitat.:

Corre corre o el destino te alcanzara. Y si te alcanza solo quedara detras tuyo aquello de lo que hasta el destino huye. (Arcaeron)


:-) Salu2
Joan Carles

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